4 Sept 2010

in order to grow change must take place

sitting on my bed wearing a dress i had purchased 2 years ago , i reminisce of the past 2 years . these two years I've managed to gain and loose friends as well as weight . I've managed break hearts as well as get my heart broken . I've learnt to care and not care ( depending on the situation) . Ive learnt to let go of things which had no positive impact  on my life and hold on to those which did . i guess i can say that I've grown a lot throughout these 2 years ( not in height though  I'm still 5"3" ) .

and yet there's still more to see , more growing to do , more to feel . i get a rush just thinking of it , a mixture of emotions , excitement , fear , joy , sadness , curiosity . and even though I'm excited to get to see , do , taste , feel the future , I'm also secretly hopping that time would flow as slow as slow can be , just so i can really take in this moment .

its funny looking in the mirror and not just seeing the same old girl from 2 years ago staring back at you , instead an improved version  stares back at you . this time 2 years ago  there were things i wanted to achieve , and now that I've gotten what i wanted , i don't want to forget what it took to get it , the journey , whether good or bad , the tears , the laughter , the support as well as the let downs, the constant worry , the stress , the phone calls and text messages . the not knowing what tomorrow will bring and yet still have that gut feeling that all will somehow fall into place , not one bit i want to forget . and as I'm writing this , I'm also thinking of new things I'd like to achieve in the next 2 years to come and i just hope i don't loose my way .

if you're wondering , i got this dress 2 years ago when i went shopping for a dress for presentation evening ( an evening in which you are presented with you're GCSE/ A level certificates and your academic achievements are celebrated )  with my then friend ( i guess you loose those not worthy of you whilst growing up and finding ourselves ) and i was determined to find a sweet girly dress and yet elegant enough for the evening as i didn't want to look like all the other girls wearing tight dresses or club wear ( I'm not really into skin tight dresses ) i love this dress so much , it was the perfect thing to wear then . I'm hoping to make it to presentation evening this year in order to get my A level certificates and if i do , i have no idea what to wear this time -_-

do you have any future goals ? if yes what are they ? and what has changed in the past two years ?



  1. You look great :) Love your hair, beautiful! xoxo

  2. wow that dress is seriously amazing and your haircut is so chic. as for future goals..i'm just going with the flow!


  3. @ annabel

    thanks :)

    looool i love going with the flow too but i always try and have some sort of a rough plan :) xoxo

  4. <3

    2 years seem so long.

    You are so beautiful! xxx

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. thanks a lot for following my blog <3

  7. @ !♥ m i m i
    thank you :D ur just as beutifull

    and yes it does seem like a long time but time flys by so quickly !!:)


  8. @ tanja

    no probs :) your blog is awesome :D xoxo

  9. @ edk.dolce

    thank you , i will check it out :) xoxo

  10. That dress is very cute and you look great in it:)

  11. Your words are so true and I really enjoyed reading your post you have a beautiful blog and your dress is goregous you look so pretty xoxo

  12. you look lovely--nice hair cut! xx

  13. @Diana Mieczan

    thanks :) kisses right back at you :D xoxo

  14. @ Style of a Fashionista

    thank you so much :) xoxo

  15. lovely hair :)dress is awesome!


  16. GIRL. You are so stunning! I love this dress on you - the shape is simply PERFECTION. (Aw yeah. PERFECTION. Yeah, I WENT THERE!)


  17. Hi there again (: Thank you so much for visiting/leaving a lovely comment. xxx :D

  18. What a cute dress! Your haircut is so edgy!

  19. @magda and Toni Tralala

    thank you guys :D

    unfortunatly im gonna have to have extensions for a while , so i can just kiss goodbey to my lovely hair cut untill summer 2011 :(


  20. @ Lexy @ Quirky Explosion

    awwww thanks :D *e-hugs*
    hahahaha your comment made me laugh so much your the best :D xoxo

  21. Lovely blog!
    Are you interested in following each other???

  22. Nice dress and I love your haircut!



I read and appreciated every comment.
If you would like to contact me in any other way, my twitter is @kolorkrazedolly and my email is kolorkrazedolly@hotmail.co.uk

Have a lovely day

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