10 Oct 2010

the last rays may light your way

so this Sunday with all its glory , after church my lovely sister decided to take me around some of her favourite furniture and decor stores ( as i want to decorate my room ) but i have so many ideas that i cant organise them all in one big idea .

anyways the sun was out so i decided to do some shopping  and oh my !!! some great finds i found :) not furniture or anything , but clothes :D  .
i love buying  vintage clothes , fair trade/charity shops clothing as it makes me feel like I'm doing my bit for the environment  :D after all recycling is great for the environment and can be super stylish ;D .

                                                                here's a quick outfit of the day :)

                                                                       blazer - jane norman
                                                                   dress - present from besty
                                                                         wedges - new look
                                                                        bag - etheal austines

about the items i got , i went to Bernardo ( the children's charity ) shop and the clothes in there are old stocks or faulty clothing from popular high street stores . i ended up getting this white blazer which is size 20 , however this didn't bother me as i just loved the cut and the fact that i didn't have a white blazer just pushed me to purchase this .

also i got a pair of  trousers which have been  on my wish list for a while now , but being a student and a very poor one , i refused to pay a ridiculous amount of money for a pair of trousers. so when i found the perfect pair  in my size and in black , i just had to get them :D

apart from that i had a great weekend and with the sun making a rare appearance , i can honestly catching some of the last rays was the perfect end to a lovely weekend :)

so how was your weekend ? xoxo


  1. hey hun i tagged you :D
    much love X

  2. gorgeous!! :D so jealous of the sunshine and that dress :)

  3. loooool ur wearing the dress =]
    me likey.

  4. @ xoxo Nik

    thanks :) and LOOOOOL it was sort of cold and warm at the same time , so its not all that sunny :D xx

  5. @ boBi. J.

    thanks hunny bear ;D xoxo

  6. I LOVE THIS JACKET so much!! =)) I waaannnttt!

  7. omg I want your shoes =) and the white blazer is just amazing

  8. gorge!



I read and appreciated every comment.
If you would like to contact me in any other way, my twitter is @kolorkrazedolly and my email is kolorkrazedolly@hotmail.co.uk

Have a lovely day

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